Change Habits – Is it Possible to Unwind From a Bad Habit?

The power of habits is one of the more under-rated therapies out there. Changing habits is not always an easy thing to do. Some habits are quite hard to break and can take a lot of willpower and determination. Others, however, are simpler to change and don’t take much effort at all. Here are some habits that can be broken easily. Changing these is half the battle toward a more successful life.

Habits can be broken by breaking a bad habit, such as a drinking habit. Alcohol is a behavior that needs to be stopped cold turkey. A sudden, intense urge to quit is usually not in your best interest, unless you have tried it before. Habits, too, repeat themselves. If you’re looking to change a bad habit, the first step is to stop the old habit and replace it with the new habit.

It’s a common misconception that all habits are basically the same. Habits can be broken down into different types. Formal habits, such as following directions, taking appropriate action, and so on, can be changed into habits that are more useful and logical. Informal habits, such as biting your nails or chewing on your hands, can be changed into rational habits. Changing the form of a behavior takes more than just a new habit.

Another problem that can occur when you want to get rid of habits is addiction. Addiction is defined as a behavioral response to a chemical or biological substance. Most people who become addicted to drugs or alcohol fall into the addiction cluster, but it can also take place with food, gambling, work, or pornography. The addiction cluster describes compulsive behavior that becomes an unconscious pattern over time. In most cases, though, addictions require a specific amount of reinforcement for their continued existence and are never completely cured, though they can be treated successfully.

Changing habits that are considered bad habits, such as bad taste or excessive worrying, can be more difficult than switching out one behavior pattern, such as chronic worrying or procrastination. Changing bad habits generally requires more than just a new habit. It requires a complete lifestyle change in addition to a new habit. It’s best to consult a professional before attempting to make any kind of lifestyle or habit changes. This is especially true if you suffer from addiction or dependence on alcohol or drugs.

If bad habits aren’t eliminated, they will continue to reoccur because the root cause of them is not being addressed. Even though bad habits are usually something that you don’t do intentionally, consciously, or even by chance, they can be very deep-seated and difficult to get out of, even for those who have undergone an entire life-changing experience. Changing one behavior, even if it’s a habit, is a start, but if the root causes of bad habits are not addressed, they will continue to recur, perhaps without the assistance of any additional changes or interventions, and even if the new habits seem easier than the old ones.